I'm Hadas Madar
A consultant for transforming eating and thinking patterns, as well as a Pilates instructor
Over my years of experience as a consultant, I have created a methodology called
Nutritional Minimalism within the Culture of Abundance
This approach helps individuals achieve a personalized nutritional balance while introducing them to a new way of living that is abundant in everything necessary for a healthy lifestyle but devoid of unnecessary elements.
“Pilates breathing is like an internal shower for our cells”
For 16 years, I have been fascinated by the relationship between movement and nutrition. To me, Pilates is like a second home for movement. I strongly believe that our bodies are designed to move, and Pilates breathing is like an internal shower for our cells. It's an hour of movement, breathwork, joint mobilization, muscle stretching, and a chance to reconnect with your body.
I divide my time between the city and the village
Recently, my family and I relocated to Costa Rica. Living in the village has allowed us to connect more deeply with nature, the earth, and the sun. It feels wonderful to be able to enjoy a natural lifestyle that is not influenced by industrialization. There is a sense of tranquility and calmness in the simplicity of living a natural life.
I'm happy to share my gifts about nutrition and movement
I believe in connecting with people from all cultures and places around the world, no matter where I am. I'm happy to be part of this community and share my tools, gifts, and knowledge about nutrition and movement. I use my experience and the "Nutritional Minimalism within the Culture of Abundance" method to share my passion.
What do I offer?
Nutritional consultation
Diagnosis and personalized nutritional plan - The diagnosis meeting takes about an hour. We discuss your daily routine, where food fits in, in what situations, and how to connect intuitive eating to everyday life. The diagnosis involves observing blood tests and measuring parameters on a dedicated device.
Diagnosis meeting $120
Follow-up appointment $40
Pilates classes
Private Pilates class at home - 1 to 4 participants
Group Pilates class - 5 participants and above
Pilates class and measurement weighing - on a dedicated device that checks 10 body weight parameters